How the Holy Spirit can use YOU to Plant Seeds of Faith – yesHEis Podcast Ep13

Welcome back to another episode of our 'yesHEis' Podcast. Today, our focus is on "Planting Seeds of Faith" and we're sitting down with the man who leads yesHEis – Frankie DuToit. We'll hear how the small act of telling people about Jesus can make BIG changes in people's lives. Being an evangelist might seem like a big task, but it's really about loving Jesus and sharing that love with others. Our guest today shares a heartfelt story that shows how easy it can be to spread His love. Whether Jesus has been in your life for a long time or you're just starting your journey with Him, this episode has something for you. It's all about taking small steps, planting seeds of faith in people you meet, and trusting the Holy Spirit to make those seeds grow. Just remember, every chat and kind act is a chance to share Jesus. Every word of your story with Him can plant a seed in someone's heart. We hope to inspire you to start sharing Jesus with everyone around you, even in your own neighborhood. If you ever wondered how you can make a real difference for Jesus, this episode is a great place to start. You'll feel inspired, encouraged, and ready to plant those little seeds of faith. Don't forget to subscribe to the 'yesHEis' Podcast for more inspiring chats like this. Please like this video, share it with your friends, and let us know in the comments about your experiences sharing Jesus. Stay blessed, keep planting those little seeds, and watch how the Holy Spirit helps them grow into a beautiful testimony.